Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Education Reform in hurricane catrina

Scott Gold and, S. S. (2005, Oct 04). The nation; 'kick in the gut' for black colleges; before katrina, 10,000 students attended three historic campuses in new orleans. now traditions are in tatters and futures are in limbo. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/422028182?accountid=3288

Educational Reforms....So TRUE!!!

Helfand, D. (1999, Jan 11). EDUCATION REFORM; teachers' view of davis plans: Devil is in details; agenda: Some call the proposals simplistic. governor's top schools official defends them as 'work in progress.'. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/421334928?accountid=3288


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Speech Score


Am I really convinced?

I chose this specific topic on Rommneys Speech , because when I saw his speech he really got in touvh with my emotional side talking about his parents and what had happened to his dad and how the mom found out and how he just talked about family he really seemed like a people person or in other words a family man. Rommney motivated me and made up my mind. I thought that this guy will make change and create more oppurtunities for americans. But when I saw this artiicle on a womens opinion it kind of made me wonder is this guy really the better choice or is he the bad guy?.....http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2012/sep/04/romneys-speech-contradictions/